Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Small Business Categories

Which category do you and your business fall into?
  • The Pipe Dream: Your efforts are half-hearted, your business is a mythical get-rich-quick scheme or just a half-baked idea, and you do more wishful thinking than serious planning.
  • The Life-Style Biz: You're mostly committed and have proven your business can make money, you get a regular income from it but nothing very big, just enough to help out with the bills or give you a little extra pocket money, your business has plateau'd, meaning there is no longer any significant growth.
  • The Life-Changing Business: You're fully committed to huge success, you have a great business model with serious potential, you know there is still much to accomplish, but you're willing to assume the risk and drive forward. The future success of your business will not only greatly change your life, but will improve the life of many others for many years to come!
No matter how you answered this question, it's never too late to change or improve your business. In fact, changing and improving your business is a must for most businesses nowdays to keep up with or out-do the competition. Need help? Contact me today for a free assessment OR click aound our site for useful ways to improve your business. Better yet, do both! I look forward to hearing from you. -GEM Founder

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